Embracing Mindful Parenting

Over the past several decades, research has time and again, emphasized the importance of the parent-child relationship and the family dynamics that contribute to the child’s overall development. It’s the axiomatic truth that Parents are the foundation of the Child’s growth and a close second is the inherent knowledge that the Parents have gathered due to their personal experiences. 

Parenting knowledge, attitudes, and practices are primarily driven by the parents’ own experiences and circumstances, from their own childhood; expectations and practices learned from others, such as family, friends, other social groups; and traditions and beliefs transferred through cultural systems. 

However the concept of ideal parents and what are the best conditions to raise a child differ from parent to parent. Hence in a noble effort to create a framework for the different types of parents, psychologists commonly identify the following four major parenting styles: 

Authoritative Parenting: Characterized by high responsiveness and high demands. Authoritative parents are nurturing, set clear expectations, and communicate well with their children. This style of parenting is usually associated with positive outcomes, as children tend to be confident, and socially competent. 

Authoritarian Parenting: This type of parents prioritize rules and obedience, often with limited warmth or flexibility. As a result children may become obedient but might struggle with self-esteem and have difficulty in tackling social situations. 

Permissive Parenting: Permissive parents are indulgent, often avoiding conflict and allowing considerable freedom to their children. Children raised in permissive environments might struggle with self-control and have difficulty following rules. 

Uninvolved (Neglectful) Parenting: Uninvolved parents are disengaged, providing minimal guidance, attention, and support. Children may face challenges in various areas, including academic performance and emotional well-being, due to the lack of parental involvement. 

While at a glance it might seem like the best kind of parenting is Authoritative, it is important to remember that these are just broad guidelines and it is often expected of the parent to combine different parenting styles depending on the child and their reactions. It also helps that each parenting style brings about a positive outcome. A few examples are given in the following image.

The current trend of parenting however is inclined towards Gentle Parenting. It emphasizes on consciously building a strong emotional connection with the child, promoting understanding, and using communication rather than strict discipline. It incorporates empathy, active listening, and respectful guidance, which aligns with the nurturing and responsive characteristics of authoritative parenting. The goal is to raise children who are emotionally intelligent, confident, and are capable of making thoughtful decisions. 

Gentle Parenting is heavily inspired by the Authoritative Parenting style but one can also find hints of Permissive Parenting in its approach. 

Renowned Clinical Psychologist and New York Times Best Selling Author, Dr. Shefali Tsabary mentions in her book - The Conscious Parent, about the importance of mindful and intentional Parenting. She encourages parents to reflect on their own emotions, triggers, and reactions and nudges the parents to challenge the conventional parenting norms while advocating for a more holistic approach to build a genuine connection with the child rather than imposing authority.

She argues that this helps in changing the outlook towards challenges as opportunities for growth instead of obstacles and fosters individuality and sense of self in the children. 

Irrespective of which style of parenting one endorses or what inherent parenting knowledge one has gathered over time, it goes without saying that all parents want what’s best for their children. The journeys might be different but the end goal is always the same - A well rounded individual capable of making smart decisions. 

We at ParentVerse aim to do just that - Equip Parents with structure and information they need for the holistic development of their children. With ParentVerse, you will have more time for nurturing and meaningful conversations instead of worrying about your child’s daily life, while instilling a sense of responsibility in your children. 

The key to a successful partnership is giving all partners ample time and room to grow. We hope that you would do the same with yourself, your children, your family and Us.

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